City Relax News

Touchability at City Relax: Yes, sure…but

Sometimes we are asked in preparation of a visit, if our ladies are touchable or not.

The answer is a clear “Yes, but”

Our massage treatments are erotic massage treatments and mutual tender touch is part of every erotic encounter.

But the view what “touchability” means differs significantly from guest to guest. If we generally state, that our ladies are touchable, many guest perceive that as a license to touch our ladies directly at most intimate parts of their body without asking and without any sensitivity. This is definitely not our understanding of touchability. On that point we consciously want to make a difference to other studios, where girls are generally cleared for unrestrained fondling.

But of course our ladies are (with individual distinctions) open for tender touch by the guest in the course of the erotic massage treatment. Erotic massage means a mutual erotic experience. If there is a good chemistry between the lady and the guest, if the guest asks before touching, if the touches are tender, then most often mutual touches contribute to a further enhancement of the erotic experience.

In this spirit we wish you a touching Easter time J

City Relax Team